Standard piezo ceramic Products
Piezo sphere hemisphere
Piezo rings
Piezo plates
Piezo cylinders
Piezo discs
Piezo tubes
piezoelectric rings
customized piezoelectric ceramic
customized piezo ceramic

Customized piezo ceramic products
We provide piezo ceramic elements manufactured to the industry tolerance values listed here. We can prepare elements to tighter tolerances on request. Items also are available "as fired" (without OD, ID, length or width machining), when dimensional requirements are not critical.
Piezoelectric material
Hard materials are suitable for dynamic/on-resonance applications, where the high mechanical quality factor determines the amplification of the deflection at resonance. Hard materials can withstand high level of electrical excitation and mechanical stress, and are not easy poled or depoled except at elevated temperature. However, this stability is accompanied by relatively low piezoelectric constants (i.e. low strain). If intending to use piezoelectric components in high power applications for instance, e.g. for ultrasonic cleaning, it is strongly recommended to select products based on a hardpiezoceramic material, which has roughly a factor 10 lower losses than “soft” materials and will therefore heat-up less.

About Annon
Production experience
Our Factory
Annon piezo technology co.,ltd. is a leading global supplier of piezoelectric ceramic products with over 40 years of production experience in designing ,developing, and testing of piezoelectric ceramics and piezoelectric transducer. As the memberof CHINA FERROELECTRIC PIEZO CERAMIC STANDARDIZATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE, Annonhas been recognized for providing value to its customers by manufacturing high-quality custom piezoelectric ceramic products and delivering a superior level of customer service.
Piezo Applications
Ceramics materials have various excellent properties such as lightweight, high temperature resistance, electrical insulation, high energy of ablation, resistance to corrosion, chemical stability, wear resistance, and ability to withstand vibration. Advanced Ceramic Meterials (ACM) supplies high-quality precise ceramics to meet our customers' R&D and production needs. These materials are perfectly suitable for the following applications:
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2501b, block B, central Times Square, Longgang central city, Shenzhen,China